Check list for Pytorch Runner (Especially Distributed Training & Evaluation)

(A check list for myself. At least human-readable 🤔)


  1. DDP arguments and device
    1. torch.cuda.set_device(ddp_local_rank)
  2. output directory: make dir
  3. logger
    1. file handler
      1. if you want to log w/ datetime, remember to barrier
    2. (optional) log the output directory
  4. save config files
  5. seed
    1. each process gets a different seed (seed + ddp_rank)
    2. NOTE: the seed should be the same during data split (maybe not exists) and model initialization.
    3. However, DDP forces the parameters to be the same across processes, so we do not need to
  6. initialize context for amp training
    1. depending on the chosen dtype
  7. data loader
    1. create dataset
      1. If there are data downloading action, remember to barrier other process, We only need the master process of each node (local_ddp_rank==0) to download the dataset
      2. split dataset, if using Huggingface’s datasets.
        1. The split sub-dataset may have different length. This may be problematic for epoch-based trainer, while step-based trainer, it is fine.
    2. create dataloader (by default, DataLoader uses RandomSampler)
      1. The yield of dataloader is a list of samples if collate_fn=lambda x: x
      2. If you do not use Huggingface’s dataset, you need to use DistributedSampler in Dataloader
        1. the difference between DistributedSampler and RandomSampler
          1. DistributedSampler( generate a torch.Generator every time it is iterated. Thus it needs set_epoch to change the seed value each time.
            1. it is a compromise to the design which split the data inside the sampler, then the index of all the data is shuffled globally.
            2. It needs a base seed which is same for all the processes.
          2. RandomSampler( get a generator when it is initialized, not changed every time it is iterated.
      3. If you incorporate numpy randomness in Dataset, set worker_fn to break the problem of same randomness among processes
      4. if you use opencv in Dataset, set the thread to one, or some function occupies all the threads.
    3. a helper function to move data from CPU to GPU form HuggingFace’s transformers
  8. model
    1. initialization
      1. from scratch
      2. from resume
        1. note that in DDP, the map_location must specify or the tensors woule be loaded to the original device;
        2. set to map_location=cpu may crash the VRAM
      3. Free the memory for the loaded file ckpt=None or del ckpt
    2. move to device
  9. grad scaler for amp training if dtype=float16
  10. optimizer
    1. set param.requires_grad={True,False} to determine trainable parameters
    2. to gather param_groups = List[param_dict]
      1. get all parameters
      2. filter: keep requires_grad == True
      3. decay: p.dim() >= 2 Any parameters that is 2D will be weight decayed
    3. (optional) try “fused” AdamW "fused" in inspect.signature(torch.optim.AdamW).parameters
  11. (optional) compile model
  12. wrap model in to DDP container
    1. get raw_model to save ckpt w/o "module."


(note about global variable, if it is non-editable variable and is modified in a function, use global to claim it is global)

  1. model.train()
  2. adjust lr based on step, change lr manually for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group["lr"] = lr
  3. eval model and save weight
    1. eval: distributed eval (check below)?
    2. log: only the master process log?
    3. save weight: only the master process save
  4. training step
    1. gradient_accumulation_steps
    2. in model forward and loss computation, use amp context
      1. loss is float32 because ``mse_loss`` layers ``autocast`` to float32.; output is float16 because convertable layers ``autocast`` to float16.
      2. You don’t need to manually change inputs’ dtype when enabling mixed precision.
      3. if use gradient_accumulation_steps, the loss need to be divided by gradient_accumulation_steps
    3. scale the loss then backward gradients
    4. clip gradient: first unscale_ optimizer, then clip_grad_norm_
    5. update model w/ scaler
      1. to update model scaler.step(optimizer)
      2. update scaler: scaler.update()
    6. flush the gradients optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none=True)
    7. log: training metrics and time for model and data

Evaluation: tips about distributed evaluation
The results of each card might be different (if use amp/float16)

  1. model.eval()
  2. in loss computation, we sum up all the loss per mini-batch
    1. if one average the loss for a batch, then the loss needs to multiply back the divided numbers
    2. the divided numbers may not be the same as back size.
      1. e.g., the number of masks per sample, the number of tokens per caption per sample
  3. We also need to track and sum up the divided numbers
  4. reduce all the tracked and summed values. dist.all_reduce