Hello Blog World

Hello World!

For the first time I build my own blog !

Let’s write something!

  • Add a hyper-link:

    MXNet: A Scalable Deep Learning Framework

  • Use a Block:

    My best function in C++ is lower_bound.

  • Try a piece of code:

    printf("Hello World");
  • Tips on Typora: 行内公式属于LaTeX扩展语法,并非Markdown的通用标准,需要在Typora的“文件”-“偏好设置”中,勾选“内联公式”一项,Typora才会予以解析。

Optimizer: Momentum

  • EMA (Exponential-weighted moving average):
    y^{(t)}:= {\rho}*y^{(t-1)} + {(1-\rho)}*x^{t}
    This is a way to “remember” a period-time of the arguments:

  • Momentum

    $\vec{v}$ is velocity:
    {\vec{v}} := {\gamma}{\vec{v}}+{\eta}{\nabla}{f_\beta}{(\vec x)}
    also can be written as :

{\vec{v}} := {\gamma}{\vec{v}}+{(1-\gamma)}{\frac {\eta}{(1-\gamma)}}*{\nabla}{f_\beta}{(\vec x)}

​ then we update the arguments $\vec x$ :
\vec x := \vec x - \vec v

To Do List

  • Maybe get used to writing a post or report everyday.
  • Now I have to learn to write docs for my malaria project!
  • Still don’t know what to do.


  • MEGVII 😎